Banoffee Pie is a traditional English dessert and I want to thank Blighty's own Pat Pilcher for supplying the recipe that she makes for her own family.
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 2 bananas
- 1 pack McVities Hobnobs cookies
- 1 Cadbury Flake bar
- 250ml carton whipping cream
- 2 tablespoons melted margarine/butter
- Bring a large pan of water to the boil on the stovetop
- Drop the unopened can of condensed milk into the water and boil for 2 hours
- Crush the whole pack of Hobnobs inside a freezer bag
- Empty the Hobnob crumbs into a mixing bowl and thoroughly mix with the melted margarine
- Line the bottom and sides of a cake tin with the Hobnob/margarine mix and press firmly with a spoon to make the pie shell
- After the condensed milk has finished boiling, cool the can thoroughly, then open it and spoon the contents into the pie shell. The condensed milk will be caramelized.
- Top with slices of banana, whipped cream and a crushed Cadbury Flake bar (as you can see I forgot the Flake and had to improvise)
- Refrigerate then serve in small portions (this is a very heavy dessert)
John's Notes
How could you do this to me Pat? I went completely off the diabetic diet wagon to try this! If Pat has any more recipes to offer, the principal ingredients had better be lettuce and fat-free yogourt!
But seriously folks, if you like very sweet, heavy desserts you are going to absolutely love this one. If, on the other hand, you don't like very sweet, heavy desserts - avoid this like the Black Death!!!
The McVities Hobnobs and Cadbury Flake are available at Blighty's Tuck Store. Buy lots, I have a hydro bill to pay! John.
hi john glad you enjoyed the banoffee although to rich for you, do not want to send you into a coma, anyway you can also use pinapple slices in place of bananaa and instead of using a cake tin best to use a pyrex pie dish or a foil pie dish, i will still look for a recipe just for you which includes lettuce and yogourt. although could be quite the challenge hahaha